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Update 2 – 1/6/25


Hey guys!

I wanted to pop in and touch base a bit. Writing has been slower because of the holidays, and also my house has been slowly passing Covid around haha. So that’s fun. I am slowly picking the story back up and will be posting chapters a bit faster now.

I wanted to say thank you so much for the continued support here. It truly means a lot to me. I appreciate you!

That being said, Soulmates will be the last work I put on this website. My end goal is to be published, so after Soulmates, I’m going to start writing works that I keep private, in order to send to publishers, and hope my stories don’t get banned in various places in the USA haha. Since I’m really only good at focusing on one thing at a time, this means I won’t really be able to write two stories at once, but if I ever do get published, this website will also serve as a hub for people to buy my books. Of course, that’s a long term goal.

For now, since I’m not getting paid to do any of this, the ads on this page, as well as the tip buttons really, really help me. I love what I do, and would love to make a living off of it. Any tips are helpful and welcome!

Side note: I will still publish short stories here, and whatever else I start working on, if anything. So it won’t be a dormant site.

I have started organizing things a bit better around here, including putting the chapters into specific categories for archiving purposes.

And hey, if you enjoy my work and would like to hire me as a freelance writer for you, I’m open to that too. Feel free to contact me on social media for that. On the links page, I have all of my social media platforms there for you. Instagram is probably the best way, since I do check hidden requests quite frequently, but anything there is fair game, really.

Thank you again <3 I hope you enjoyed your holidays!

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